Darryl Madden
A senior communications executive with experience in developing and directing $60 million strategic campaigns, Darryl has a proven track record of leadership in media relations, presentation training, and executive coaching with local and national organizations across all platforms including mass media, social media, and digital engagement. Darryl has directed campaigns and spearheaded social media efforts that captured 75% growth in Twitter followers from 20k to 83k. He secured more than $1 billion in donated media from across all multimedia outlets while managing FEMA’s multi-million PSA programming. A talented communicator, he enabled the launch of more than 20 major multimedia promotions with film studios and television networks including Warner Bros, Sony Pictures, Discovery Communications, Disney Channel and NBC Universal. Directed media coordination for DC Office of the Mayor communications center that served as an emergency operation center during the 911.
His signature accomplishments include:
- White House Presidential Appointee to the Interstate Commission on Potomac River Basin
- Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS) Senior Executive Fellows Management of campaigns, which exceeded $1 billion in multimedia placements
- Recognition from the President of the United States for outstanding media relations during Haitian Earthquake